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Bio-Gen granules are a total osteoclastic remodeling bone substitute, which
can be used for all types of bone defects.

Clinical uses:

- recommended for small size, four walls bone defects (cancellous).
- recommended for larger size bone defects (cortical).

Remodeling time:
 . 4 - 6 months (cancellous)
 . 8 - 12 months (cortical)

Gel Granules

Bio-Gen Mix Gel is a mixture consisting of Bio-Gen Mix cortical-cancellous
granules and water-based gel. It is extremely practical and easy-to-handle.
It can be applied directly in the graft site. Useful for all defect types.

Clinical uses:
· recommended for all types of defect
· excellent for maxillary sinus lift (Summers)
· excellent for very Large periodontal defects

Remodeling time:
 . 4 - 6 months (cancellous)
 . 8 - 12 months (cortical)

Collagen Membranes

Biocollagen is a membrane made of Achilles' tendon collagen for guided
bone regeneration.
Its protection time is 4-6 weeks, therefore it is indicated to cover small grafted sites only.

Clinical uses:
. to protect small grafted sites
. to stabilize granular grafts

Protection time:
 . 4 - 6 weeks


Bio-Gen Putty is a moldable paste made of cancellous Bio-Gen granules and collagen from Achilles' tendon. It's easily moldable, hemostatic and sticks well to bone walls.

Clinical uses:
· recommended for small size, four walls bone defects.
. excellent for post-extractive sockets.

Remodeling time:
. 4 - 6 months.

Cortical Membranes

Osteoplant Cortical Membrane is a flexible cortical bone sheet that works as a long lasting (> 6 months) resorbable membrane.

Clinical uses:
· to protect grafted sites where regeneration is expected to be slow
(horizontal and vertical augmentation).

· to maintain bone profiles (vestibular ridge reconstruction).

Protection time:
. 6 months (protection).
· 8 - 14 months (total remodeling).

Cacellous or Cortical Flex Sheets

Osteoplant Flex devices are flexible, easy-to-handle, cortical or cancellous bone sheets. Given their flexibility, they adapt perfectly to the receiving site minimizing the risk of defective angiogenesis.
They need fixation with screws or similar devices.

Clinical uses:
· vertical ridge augmentation with concomitant implant placement (cortical sheet).
. horizontal ridge augmentation (cancellous sheet).
· sinus lift, to protect the Schneider membrane (Tulasne technique).

Remodeling time:
. 4 - 6 months (cancellous).
· 8 - 12 months (cortical).


Cancellous Blocks

Bio-Gen cancellous blocks are tough, rigid blocks. They feature the same mechanical resistance to compression and elastic deformation of natural bone. They can be shaped with rotating instruments, or drilled, without breaking. They have to be fixed in place with screws or similar.

Clinical uses:
. horizontal or vertical/horizontal ridge augmentation (onlay) upper jaw only.
· inlay grafts.

Remodeling time:
6 - 8 months

Heart Pericardium membrance

The Heart membranes are obtained from natural pericardium. They still feature the native tridimensional structure of pericardium. Therefore, they are long lasting and resistant to suturing. Because of the their long protection time, Heart membranes are the ideal choice for the majority of surgeries.

Clinical uses:
. protection of medium to large bone grafts.

Protection time:
. 3 - 4 months.
